Working group "Future Waste & Waste Management"

Waste Management

The working group Future Waste & Waste Management is primarily concerned with systemically oriented issues of waste management and the life cycle assessment of waste management material flows and processes.

One focus of the working group is the systematic recording and evaluation of fire events in waste and resource management.

In addition, ways and implementation potentials are sought and researched in order to make waste management companies and their processing, treatment and recycling processes more sustainable or climate-neutral.


Future Waste

Wastes of the future (so-called Future Wastes) are characterized by the fact that they

  1. potentially show scientific and technological advances,
  2. are often technologically very complex, and
  3. have already entered the anthropogenic stock within a (short) period of time or will do so in the near future.


This usually results in special waste management conditions such as

  1. the lack of specialized treatment and recovery pathways,
  2. low initial volumes but high rates of increase in waste generation, and
  3. resulting major challenges for disposal and recycling operations.


The working group therefore focuses on the challenges of these partly "novel" waste streams and their special characteristics.

Three successfully completed research projects in the field of "Future Wastes" are highlighted here as examples:

  2. BAT-Safe - Impacts and risk analysisBAT-Safe of batteries in waste management systems
  3. PVRe2 - Sustainable photovoltaics


Ongoing projects of the WG

  • Holistic recycling of photovoltaic modules
    Short title: PVReValue // Project start: 2023

  • Detection and separation of portable batteries from mixed waste using sensor technology and artificial intelligence
    Short title: DeB-AT // Project start: 2023

  • Development of a functional recycling process for lithium-ion traction batteries from mobility applications
    Short title: MoLIBity // Project start: 2023

  • Data- and AI-supported human-centred zero defect manufacturing for sustainable production
    Short title: Zero3 // Project start: 2022

  • Climate assessment of the Austrian waste management industry
    Short title: Klima+A // Project start: 2022

  • Future Lithium Ion Battery Recycling for Recovery of Critical Raw Materials
    Short title: FuLIBatteR // Project start: 2022


Other contract research projects (commissioned directly by companies, so we cannot list them here)

Organization of the waste management and recycling conference Recy & DepoTech


Completed projects of the WG (in the last years)

  • Development and application of safe, clean and efficient incineration technology for combustible industrial solid waste
    Short title: DASCE Tec // Project period: 2020 - 2023

  • Sustainable Photovoltaics
    Short title: PVRe2 // Project period: 2018 - 2022

  • Innovation network fire protection in waste management, disposal and recycling
    Short title: AbER innovation // Project period: 2019 - 2022

  • Development of a thermochemical pre-treatment, for the low calorific value fraction from the mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) in Burgenland, for material recycling 
    Short title: Waste2Material // Project period: 2019 - 2022

  • Study on the systemic interaction of decarbonization and circular economy using the example of industry in Austria
    Short title: Studie Klimaneutralität (Climate neutrality study) // Project period: 2022

  • Overall process for the safe handling of battery electric vehicles from the accident site to the recovery point
    Short title: RECOVER-E // Project period: 2021 - 2022

  • Zero Waste Concept for a Sustainable Car Factory
    Short title: Zero Waste Concept // Project period: 2021 - 2022

  • Green Tech Radar „Next Loops Closed”
    Short title: Next Loops Closed // Project period: 2021 - 2022

  • Developing the Lithium-ion battery value chain for recycling in Austria
    Short title: LIBRAT // Project period: 2020 - 2021

  • Qualitative and quantitative determination of the metal content of slag samples and estimation of the energy and greenhouse gas saving potential through recycling
    Short title: Treibhausgas // Project period: 2021

  • Concept study - New vending machine technology for beverages with returnable packaging with automated return option
    Short title: MultiWay // Project period: 2020 - 2021

  • Reduction of resource consumption and plastic waste production in the production and distribution of frozen pizzas
    Short title: PizzaPack // Project period: 2020 - 2021

  • Background on the European market for triangular rent converters
    Short title: TurnerMarket // Project period: 2020

  • Presentation at a sales training on 20.1.2020 on the topic „Contaminations and impurities of compost“
    Short title: ConPres // Project period: 2020

  • Waste management analysis and evaluation with recommendations
    Short title: FreiCheck // Project period: 2019 - 2020

  • Possibilities for the implementation of the EU requirements regarding beverage containers, deposit system and reusable packaging
    Short title: BottlePose // Project period: 2019 - 2020

  • Preparatory work for obtaining a new decision on the landfill cover Allerheiligen
    Short title: AllSaintsCover // Project period: 2018 - 2020
  • Processing capability of a new insulation technology for refrigerators on an industrial scale 
    Short title: NewFridgeRec2 // Project period: 2018 - 2020

  • Investigation of the suitability of disposables from post-washing raw materials as substrate for fermentation in biogas plants 
    Short title: OneWay2Gas // Project period: 2018 - 2020
  • ReOil depolymerisation of post-consumer plastics
    Short title: ReOil // Project period: 2017 - 2020

  • Establishment of a 2-stage biotechnological process for the production of (iso)butanol from CO2 and waste materials
    Short title: Bio-ABC // Project period: 2017 - 2020

  • Harmonization of waste management concepts from eight BFI locations
    Short title: WasteHarmony // Project period: 2018 - 2019


Other contract research projects (commissioned directly by companies, so we cannot list them here)


Group members of the WG

Leader of the WG

Nigl - Zoom Dr. Thomas Nigl



Azizi - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung Dipl.-Ing. Ferozan Azizi
Future Waste and Waste Management

Schwarz - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung 1 Mag. Therese Bouvier-Schwarz
Eco Design, Climate Footprints and Circular Economy

Grath - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung 1 Elias Grath, B.Sc.Waste Management and Recycling

Grath - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung 1 Dipl.-Ing. Richard Yaw Nti
CRMs, Material Science, Photovoltaics and Batteries

Grath - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung 1 Susanne Roßkogler, MSc.
Life Cycle Assessment

Grath - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung 1 Cornelia Rutkowski, BSc
Deposit Science and Structural Geology

Rutrecht - Zoom 2 Dipl.-Ing. Bettina Rutrecht
Battery Recycling, Plastic Recycling and Recycling Technologies



Student employees

  • Jan-Paul Davidsen
  • Florian Eregger
  • Veronika Kanzler
  • Katharina Kargl
  • Christina Kienreich
  • Sebastian Köhler
  • Stefan Morgenbesser
  • Ines Mostböck
  • Georg Schmölzer
  • Anna Walch



With the following form you can directly contact the leader of the working group Mister Dr. Thomas Nigl.

Thomas Nigl

Thomas Nigl

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont., BSc.
Working Group Leader

Phone: +43 3842 / 402-5124
Cell: +43 676 / 84 53 86-824
Fax: +43 3842 / 402-5102
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To Contact form


Opening hours & secretariat

Mo-Thu 08:00-12:00 und 13:00-15:00 Uhr
        Fr 08:00-11:30 Uhr