Project long title

Developing the lithium-ion battery value chain for recycling in Austria

Librat Logo Square5


Project description

The importance of electric vehicles, such as battery electric vehicles, pedelecs and electric scooters, and thus the demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIB) will increase in the future. As a result, the recovery of valuable metals (e.g. Cu, Co, Al, Ni) as well as safety issues within the framework of a sustainable circular economy are gaining in importance.

This study covers the analysis of economic impacts based on low‐carbon energy scenarios with resource use of LIB in a circular economy, the assessment of framework conditions for a full‐scale recycling process in Austria, and the creation of a technology roadmap for a holistic system ranging from second‐life approaches over take‐back and collection systems to innovative recycling technologies.


Abbildung 1


Aims of the project

  • Analysis of the economic impacts based on low-carbon energy scenarios with resource use of LIBs from a circular economy perspective.
  • Evaluation of the framework conditions for a complete recycling process in Austria
  • Preparation of a technology roadmap for a holistic system considering:
    • Second-life approaches,
    • take-back/collection systems and
    • innovative recycling technologies.



Klimafond Klima- und Energiefonds

Ffg 1 Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)


Project partner

Boku 3University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Wien), Institute of Waste Management (ABF-BOKU)

Wifo LogoAustrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)



Beigl P., Scherhaufer S., Nigl T., Meyer I., Altendorfer M., Part F., Sommer M., Salhofer S., Pomberger R., (2020) Entwicklung einer vollständigen Wertschöpfungskette für Lithium-Ionen Batterierecycling in Österreich. Conference paper. Recy & DepoTech 2020. 18th–20th November, Leoben, Austria: pp. 85–88. ISBN: 979-3-200-07190-2.

Nigl, T., Rutrecht, B., Altendorfer, M. et al. Lithium-Ionen-Batterien – Kreislaufwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen am Ende des Lebenszyklus und im Recycling. Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh 166, 144–149 (2021)

Nigl T., Scherhaufer S., Meyer I., Altendorfer M., Part F., Rutrecht B. und Beigl P. (2021) Aktuelle und zukünftige Recyclingkapazitäten für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien mit Fokus auf den österreichischen Markt. Conference paper. Berliner Recycling- und Sekundärrohstoffkonferenz 2021. 15th–16th March, Berlin, Germany.

Beigl P., Scherhaufer S., Part F., Jandric A., Salhofer S., Nigl T., Altendorfer M., Rutrecht B., Pomberger R., Meyer I. und Sommer M. (2021) Entwicklung einer Wertschöpfungskette für das Recycling von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LIB) in Österreich: Endbericht. Wien.




You can send a message directly to the project responsible Mister Dr. Thomas Niglby using the following form.

Thomas Nigl

Thomas Nigl

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont., BSc.
Working Group Leader

Phone: +43 3842 / 402-5124
Cell: +43 676 / 84 53 86-824
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Opening hours & secretariat

Mo-Thu 08:00-12:00 und 13:00-15:00 Uhr
        Fr 08:00-11:30 Uhr