Working group "Methodes and Environmental Analytical Chemistry"

In the environmental field, there are a large number of standards and regulations with detailed specifications for sampling, sample preparation and analysis of solid and liquid waste. This strict standardization is what makes it possible to compare results with other data or limit values. Nevertheless, there are a number of wastes that cannot be adequately sampled or analyzed with the given classical approaches.


These include a wide variety of waste types, including:

Wastewater, municipal waste, biofuels, combustibles, soils, refuse derived fuels, process products and residues, plastics, slags, workshop waste, screen casings, composite materials, metallic waste from the electronics sector, etc.

Bild 3

The working group "Methods and Environmental Analytical Chemistry" develops scientifically based solution concepts for special analytical problems. Thus, numerous projects have already been successfully completed together with company partners.

The working group has access to modern laboratory equipment and a wide range of instruments for the analysis of inorganic and organic pollutants. Especially for the sample preparation of waste samples of different kinds (e.g. metallic samples) a whole range of equipment is available. The list of instruments at the chair can be found here.


Ongoing / completed projects of the WG

  • Holistic geochemical tracking of inorganic pollutants in the Mur/Mura River Catchment
    Short title: MURmap // Project start: 2022

  • Christian Doppler Laboratory for Design and assessment of an efficient, recycling-based Circular Economy


Various contract research projects (commissioned directly by companies, so we cannot list these individually here)



On a separate page we have summarised the equipment of the chair AVAW (click here).


Group members of the WG



Leader of the WG

Aldrian - Zoom 2 Dr. Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian



Konetschnik - Zoom Ilvy Konetschnik (trainee)
Primig - Zoom Romana Primig
Riedl - Zoom Manuel Riedl (Deputy leader of WG)
Steinmueller Jana Steinmüller (trainee)
Stipanovic - Zoom Geringe Aufloesung Hana Stipanovic
Tauterer - Zoom Carina Tauterer


Student employees

  • Heike Baumgartner
  • Charlene Bagaoisan
  • Laura Doazetoska
  • Florian Dopplinger
  • Anfisa Drnec
  • Sebastian Entler
  • Thomas Fink
  • Tristan Galler
  • Bojan Lorber
  • Mariella Milovanovic
  • Conny Prammer
  • Felix Scheidl
  • Valentin Wratschko



With the following form you can directly contact the leader of the working group Miss Dr. Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian.

Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian

Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Working Group Leader

Phone: +43 3842 / 402-5116
Cell: +43 650 / 86 62 00 1
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To Contact form


Opening hours & secretariat

Mo-Thu 08:00-12:00 und 13:00-15:00 Uhr
        Fr 08:00-11:30 Uhr